martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

Una Vida Agridulce...

La canción"Bitter Sweet Symphony": o  su traducción al español "La sinfonía Agridulce" es del grupo "The Verve" publicada el 16 de Junio de 1997 en el album "Urban Hymns".
The song "Bitter Sweet Symphony": or his traduction at spanish "La sinfonía Agridulce" is from "The Verve"  published on 16 of June of 1997 in "Urban Hymns" album.

Esta canción tiene mucho significados los cuales son en mi opinión:
-El tema es una denuncia a la vida de las personas en general "agridulce" por mostrar el lado bueno y el malo.
-El protagonista nunca se para o retrocede eso muestra una fortísima personalidad que no cambia en un mundo dominado por las modas y el dinero.
-El protagonista va creciendo y pasando las dificultades que aparecen manteniéndose en su "Molde"
-Al final del trayecto ve como no está solo y hay gente que piensa como él.

This song has very much meaning that they are in my opinion:
- The topic is a denunciation to the life of the persons in general "bittersweet" for it shows  the good side and the bad.
- The protagonist never stops or moves back he shows the strongest personality that it does not change into a world dominated by the modes and the money.
- The protagonist is growing and passing the difficulties that appear being kept in his "Mold"
- At the end he sees as he is not alone and there are people who thinks as him.

1 comentario:

  1. No doubt the best title so far.. try to leave more space between lines and don´t make it so much colourful....spready affect which isn´t catchy at all...
