sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013

En un lugar del Mediterráneo...

Si tengo que elegir, uno de mis lugares favoritos sería un pequeño pueblo de interior llamado Algarrobo.

Algarrobo se encuentra en Andalucía en la provincia de Málaga y es en su parte de la costa donde suelo veranear todos los años, por lo que más hago yo es disfrutar de su pequeña pero bonita playa de la costa del Azahar que es bandera azul, comer pescaito frito en sus chiringuitos, jugar al fútbol, ver su torre mora o pasear por su bullicioso paseo marítimo por la noche. Me gusta sobre todo por poder relajarse y desconectar durante un tiempo, además de su gente muy amistosa con todos.

Descubrí este sitio porque es donde más suelo ir en las vacaciones de verano con mi familia desde  2004 cuando se lo recomendaron a mis padres. Sus pueblos vecinos, Sayalonga y Mezquitilla, son bastante parecidos y se pueden recorrer por sus playas. Llevaría a mis amigos para que lo conocieran ya que yo voy a los suyos cuando me invitan, también por Málaga.

Pienso que lo más especial que tiene Algarrobo es su mar en el que puedes bucear y ver muchísima fauna y muy rica cuando la preparan en la misma playa, por lo que invito a todo el que quiera pasar un verano más relajado pero a la vez mucha actividad por la noche que venga a este singular rincón de la Costa del Sol.

If I have to choose, one of my favorite places would be a small village of interior called Algarrobo.

Algarrobo is in Andalusia in the province of Malaga and is in its part of the coast where I am in the habit of spending the summer every year, for what more I do is to enjoy his small but nice beach of the coast of the Orange blossom that it is blue flag, to eat "pescaito" fred in his stalls, to play football, see his Moore tower or to walk along his boisterous maritime walk along the night. I like especially for being able to relax and disconnect during a time, besides his very friendly people with all.

I discovered this place because it is where more I am in the habit of going in the summer vacations with my family from 2004 when it was recommended to my parents. His neighboring villages, Sayalonga and Mezquitilla, are similar enough and can be crossed by her beaches.
I would take my friends in order that they knew it since I go to theirs when they invite me, also for Malaga.

I think that the more special thing that has Algarrobo is his sea in which you can dive and see fauna great and very rich when they prepare her in the same beach, for what I invite to everything the one that wants to pass a more relaxed summer but many activity in the night that comes to this singular corner of the Costa del Sol.  

6 comentarios:

  1. i like you put the important words with colors

  2. ... thanks a lot for discovering me this place and the scuba-diving chance!!!!

  3. I like your post because I like Malaga very much. Good job Juanfran !!!


  5. I liked your post a lot, but could you put more things about the place.

  6. A little brief mas is better but you have a good post :)
