sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014

Caminado entre "Sakuras"

En el valle de Jerte todas la primaveras sucede algo muy especial, sus cerezos florecen y crean una atmósfera inigualable de color, dejando todo el valle completamente blanco, sin tener que ser nieve, con más de 2 millones de cerezos en flor!!!!!

Este acontecimiento se suele dar la segunda quincena de Marzo aunque depende del tipo de invierno se puede alargar hasta principios de Abril y se da lugar en la provincia de Cáceres en Extremadura en la comarca con el mismo nombre y está a unos 423 km de Córdoba.

In Jerte's valley all the springs happens slightly very specially, it cherry-trees bloom and make an incomparable atmosphere of color, leaving the whole completely white valley, without having to be a snow, with more than 2 million cherry-trees in flower!!!!!

One is in the habit of this event giving the second 15th of March though it depends on the winter type can get longer until beginning of April and one gives place in the province of Caceres in Extremadura in the region with the same name and is to approximately 423 km from Córdoba.

Tal es la belleza de este lugar que no me importaría ir a verlo algún día,que estoy seguro de que la diversión está asegurada, al ir con mis primos que viven cerca y pasarnos un día de "cerezos" que ya que es mi segundo apellido por parte de mi familia materna que también ha ido a este lugar fantástico.

Such it is the beauty of this place that it would not matter for myself to be going to see any day, that I am sure that the amusement is assured, on having gone with my cousins who live through fence and a day of "cherry-trees" to happen to us that since it is my second surname on the part of my mother family that also has gone to this fantastic place.

Además podemos realizar actividades muy variadas relacionadas con el medio natural como senderismo, escalada, parapente, o incluso paint-ball. Aquí os dejo un link con muchas de estas y otras igual de interesantes:

In addition we can do very varied activities related to the natural way as running, climbing, parapente, or even paint-ball. Here I leave a link you with many of these and others equally of interesting:


10 comentarios:

  1. Your blog is complete, it has good information and a lot of colours! good job!!!

  2. you usually put a los of colour in your post , so congratulation!

  3. The title of the post is very original and it is full of information!! good job Juanfran

  4. Your post is so colourful and it has a lot of information. Well done

  5. brilliant post!! it has a lot of pictures!!

  6. Good post. It has a lot of information and you have lots of gadgets too. Besides, you have many different tags. Very good!

  7. I specially like the title..it connects the cherry valley with oriental ART...great cultural background Juanfran.Same link has been established by Jaime. Congratulations!

  8. Your post is fantastic. He is very complete and interesting. The images are very good. Your blog is good. Good job Juanfran!

  9. your post is very good, you have put many colors. good job.
