Proyecto Integrado JF
A blog with a lot of special things, my name is JuanFran and I will become a BLOGGER
lunes, 7 de julio de 2014
sábado, 14 de junio de 2014
¡Trabajando el futuro! ESFUERZATE!
Para terminar el curso nos vino a visitar la hija,.. si la hija de nuestra profesora ANA CARMEN la cual se llamaba Victoria y nos contó muchas cosas como su estancia en el extranjero, su trabajo de farmacéutica y la ciudad del no-sol Dublín.
Las tres experiencias de su viaje que más me gustaron:
La primera bastante clara, irse al extranjero no es fácil y más cuando no hablan tu idioma, y Victoria además se fue al terminar su carrera lo que tiene mucho mérito.
Ella ha conocido a mucha gente de distintas culturas conviviendo, y esto te hace comprender mejor el mundo.
Y la última es que haya podido encontrar un trabajo que le guste y pueda vivir de ello, y es como empezar otra vez a descubrir donde vives!!!!
Para esto nos dio tres consejos:
-Levar el ID el pasaporte y la Tarjeta sanitaria europea en regla... sin esto no podemos viajar!
-Conocer la moneda y el idioma del país a donde vas para no hacerte un lío y descubran que eres español
y empiecen hablar aún más rápido.
-Por esto lo más importante es mezclarte con sus habitantes en lugares que donde puedas conversar con ellos con tranquilidad y poder hacer amigos!
Para terminar en un futuro me gustaría volver a Inglaterra a Francia y otros países europeos para visitarlos por mi cuenta para redescubrirlos y llevarme más sorpresas! o visitar países nuevos como EEUU Japón o Australia.
Como me gusta mucho lo relacionado con animales que mejor que ir al Amazonas o la Sabana africana???
Y por supuesto ganarme la vida con algún trabajo y con ese dinerillo ir al mundial de fútbol o algún evento deportivo que me me guste para conocer todavía más gente.
To finish the course the daughter came to visit us...Yes the daughter of our teacher ANA CARMEN who was called Victory and she told us many things as her stay abroad, her pharmacist's work and the city of the non-Sun Dublin.
Three experiences of her trip that more I liked:
The first one its clear, to go away abroad is not easy and any more when they do not speak your language, and Victory in addition went away when her career finished what has very much merit.
She has known many people of different cultures coexisting, and this makes you understand better the world.
And the last one is that she could have found a
work that she likes and could live of it. It is like to start discovering again where you live!!!!
For this she gave to us three tips:
- Give the ID the passport and the sanitary European Card in rule ... without this we cannot travel!
- To know the currency and the language of the country to where you go not to do a mess to you and discover that you are Spanish and begin to speak more fastly.
- For this the most important thing is to mix with his inhabitants in places that where you could converse with them coolly and friends to be able to do!
To end in a future I would like to return to England to France and other European countries to visit them for my account for rediscover and to take more surprises to me! Or new countries visit as the USA Japan or Australia.
Since I like much the related thing to animals that better that to go to the Amazon or the African Sheet???
And certainly the life to win me with some work and with this small amount of money to go to the world one of football or some sports event that I like to know even more people.
Las tres experiencias de su viaje que más me gustaron:
La primera bastante clara, irse al extranjero no es fácil y más cuando no hablan tu idioma, y Victoria además se fue al terminar su carrera lo que tiene mucho mérito.
Ella ha conocido a mucha gente de distintas culturas conviviendo, y esto te hace comprender mejor el mundo.
Y la última es que haya podido encontrar un trabajo que le guste y pueda vivir de ello, y es como empezar otra vez a descubrir donde vives!!!!
Para esto nos dio tres consejos:
-Levar el ID el pasaporte y la Tarjeta sanitaria europea en regla... sin esto no podemos viajar!
y empiecen hablar aún más rápido.
-Por esto lo más importante es mezclarte con sus habitantes en lugares que donde puedas conversar con ellos con tranquilidad y poder hacer amigos!
Para terminar en un futuro me gustaría volver a Inglaterra a Francia y otros países europeos para visitarlos por mi cuenta para redescubrirlos y llevarme más sorpresas! o visitar países nuevos como EEUU Japón o Australia.
Como me gusta mucho lo relacionado con animales que mejor que ir al Amazonas o la Sabana africana???
Y por supuesto ganarme la vida con algún trabajo y con ese dinerillo ir al mundial de fútbol o algún evento deportivo que me me guste para conocer todavía más gente.
To finish the course the daughter came to visit us...Yes the daughter of our teacher ANA CARMEN who was called Victory and she told us many things as her stay abroad, her pharmacist's work and the city of the non-Sun Dublin.
Three experiences of her trip that more I liked:
The first one its clear, to go away abroad is not easy and any more when they do not speak your language, and Victory in addition went away when her career finished what has very much merit.
She has known many people of different cultures coexisting, and this makes you understand better the world.
And the last one is that she could have found a
work that she likes and could live of it. It is like to start discovering again where you live!!!!
For this she gave to us three tips:
- Give the ID the passport and the sanitary European Card in rule ... without this we cannot travel!
- To know the currency and the language of the country to where you go not to do a mess to you and discover that you are Spanish and begin to speak more fastly.
- For this the most important thing is to mix with his inhabitants in places that where you could converse with them coolly and friends to be able to do!
To end in a future I would like to return to England to France and other European countries to visit them for my account for rediscover and to take more surprises to me! Or new countries visit as the USA Japan or Australia.
Since I like much the related thing to animals that better that to go to the Amazon or the African Sheet???
And certainly the life to win me with some work and with this small amount of money to go to the world one of football or some sports event that I like to know even more people.
miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014
La mujer (bruja) MISTERIOSA
La mujer que estamos buscando se trata de María Gaetana Agnesi fue una matemática y filósofa italiana del siglo XVIII.
The woman for that we are looking treats herself about Maria Gaetana Agnesi it was a mathematics and philosopher Italian of the XVIII century.
Ahora un dato más de su biografía:
María Agnesi nunca pudo entrar a la Academia Francesa por ser mujer; pero si en las Academias Italianas por éstas ser mas liberales. Fue elegida por la Academia de las Ciencias de Bologna donde dedicaron su libro a la Emperatriz María Teresa.
Now one more information of her biography:
Maria Agnesi could never enter to the French Academy for being a woman; but if in the Italian Academies for these to be mas liberal. she was chosen by the Academy of Bologna's Sciences where they dedicated her book to the Empress Maria Teresa.
Además Google le hizo un pequeño homenaje con un Doodle el 16 de Mayo de este año por los 296 años de su nacimiento.
In addition Google did a small honoring to her with a Doodle on May 16 of this year for 296 years of her born.
The woman for that we are looking treats herself about Maria Gaetana Agnesi it was a mathematics and philosopher Italian of the XVIII century.
Ahora un dato más de su biografía:
María Agnesi nunca pudo entrar a la Academia Francesa por ser mujer; pero si en las Academias Italianas por éstas ser mas liberales. Fue elegida por la Academia de las Ciencias de Bologna donde dedicaron su libro a la Emperatriz María Teresa.
Now one more information of her biography:
Maria Agnesi could never enter to the French Academy for being a woman; but if in the Italian Academies for these to be mas liberal. she was chosen by the Academy of Bologna's Sciences where they dedicated her book to the Empress Maria Teresa.
Además Google le hizo un pequeño homenaje con un Doodle el 16 de Mayo de este año por los 296 años de su nacimiento.
sábado, 31 de mayo de 2014
NEPAL un país para tocar el cielo.
Vamos con la historia de Nepal un país multiétnico, multicultural y multilingüe. Elijo este país ya que se sabe muy poco de este teniendo una historia más grande de lo que se piensa, además ¿A quién no le gustaría viajar a plana Cordillera del Himalaya?
Historia antigua:
Entre el 400 y 750, la actual capital de Nepal, Katmandú, fue gobernada por el reino Licchavi. Las evidencias arqueológicas de este período consisten en inscripciones en piedra. La antigua era Åšaka corresponde al año 78, mientras que la última era Aṃshuvarmā o "Mānadeva 2" era se considera del 576.
Mientras que la mayoría de tales inscripciones listan las fechas y comisionados de las construcciones en piedra, algunas informan sobre edictos reales, mantras religiosos o notas históricas. Es gracias a la corroboraicón de los mitos locales que se ha podido identificar a un pueblo anterior a los Licchavi, conocidos como los Kirata. También decir que Sidarta Gautama más conocido como Buda nació en Nepal y que fundó la religión budista aunque esto ocurrió mucho antes.
Historia moderna:
La actual Nepal se creó en la última mitad del siglo XVIII cuando Prithvi Narayan Shah, el gobernador del pequeño principado de Gorkha, formó un país unificado a partir de un número de estados independientes. El país fue llamado "el reino Gorkha", usado para los soldados nepalíes.
La Administración Rana
A partir del año 1800, los herederos de Prithvi Narayan Shah demostraron que eran incapaces de mantener un firme control político sobre Nepal. Siguió un período de desorden interno, enaltecido por la derrota de Nepal en la guerra Anglo-Nepalesa (1814-16). La estabilidad fue restaurada después de 1846 cuando la familia Rana ganó el poder, atrincherada así misma a través de primeros ministros hereditarios, y redujo la monarquía a un testaferro. El régimen de Rana, una autocracia fuertemente centralizada, siguió una política de aislar a Nepal de las influencias exteriores. Esta política ayudó a Nepal a mantener su independencia nacional durante la era colonial, pero también impidió el desarrollo económico del país.
We go with the history of Nepal a multiethnic, multicultural and multilingual country. I choose this country since very little of this one is known having a history bigger than is thought, in addition to whom would not it like to travel to flat Mountain chain of the Himalayas?
Ancient history:
Among 400 and 750, the current capital of Nepal, Katmandu, it was governed by the kingdom Licchavi. The archaeological evidences of this period consist of inscriptions of stone. Does former age Åsaka correspond to the year 78, whereas last age Shuvarma or " Manadeva 2 " was it is considered of 576.
Whiles the majority of such inscriptions list the dates and commissioners of the constructions in stone, they inform some about real edicts, mantras religious or historical notes. It( is thanks to the corroboraicón of the local myths who could have identified a village previous to the Licchavi known as the Kirata. Also to say that Sidarta Gautama more known as Buda was born in Nepal and that Buddhist founded the religion though this happened very much before.
Among 400 and 750, the current capital of Nepal, Katmandu, it was governed by the kingdom Licchavi. The archaeological evidences of this period consist of inscriptions of stone. Does former age Åsaka correspond to the year 78, whereas last age Shuvarma or " Manadeva 2 " was it is considered of 576.
Whiles the majority of such inscriptions list the dates and commissioners of the constructions in stone, they inform some about real edicts, mantras religious or historical notes. It( is thanks to the corroboraicón of the local myths who could have identified a village previous to the Licchavi known as the Kirata. Also to say that Sidarta Gautama more known as Buda was born in Nepal and that Buddhist founded the religion though this happened very much before.
Modern history:
Current Nepal was created in the last half of the 18th century when Prithvi Narayan Shah, the governor of Gorkha's small principality, formed a country unified from a number of independent conditions. Th country was called " the kingdom Gorkha ", used for the soldiers nepalíes.
The Administration Rana
From the year 1800, the heir of Prithvi Narayan Shah demonstrated that they were unable to support a firm political control on Nepal. It continued a period of internal disorder, enaltecido for the defeat of Nepal in the Anglo Nepalese war (1814-16). The stability was restored after 1846 when the family Frog won the power, entrenched this way same across hereditary prime ministers, and reduced the monarchy to a dummy. The regime of Rana, an autocracy Strongly centralized, it followed a politics to isolate Nepal of the foreign influences. This politics helped to Nepal to support his national independence during the colonial age, but also the economic development of the country prevented.
Current Nepal was created in the last half of the 18th century when Prithvi Narayan Shah, the governor of Gorkha's small principality, formed a country unified from a number of independent conditions. Th country was called " the kingdom Gorkha ", used for the soldiers nepalíes.
The Administration Rana
From the year 1800, the heir of Prithvi Narayan Shah demonstrated that they were unable to support a firm political control on Nepal. It continued a period of internal disorder, enaltecido for the defeat of Nepal in the Anglo Nepalese war (1814-16). The stability was restored after 1846 when the family Frog won the power, entrenched this way same across hereditary prime ministers, and reduced the monarchy to a dummy. The regime of Rana, an autocracy Strongly centralized, it followed a politics to isolate Nepal of the foreign influences. This politics helped to Nepal to support his national independence during the colonial age, but also the economic development of the country prevented.
jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014
¡Peligros por todos lados!
En un mundo con tantos peligros y circunstancias debemos estar preparados para poder socorrer a alguien que aunque no conozcamos podemos salvarle la vida. Que haríamos en caso de...
In a world with so many dangers and circumstances we must be prepared to be able to help someone that though we do not know we can save the life. That we would do in case of...
In a world with so many dangers and circumstances we must be prepared to be able to help someone that though we do not know we can save the life. That we would do in case of...
En el caso de que la persona se este ahogando tenemos que
1º Sacarlo de la piscina, manteniendo la cabeza fuera del agua y ayudándote de algo que flote si para que sea más fácil.
2º Vemos si la persona respira, llamamos al emergencias y si no lo hace comenzamos cerrando la nariz y exhalando en su boca, después unas 20 compresiones en el tórax y repetimos lo mismo hasta que tosa o respire. El cuello recto para que no se atragante con su lengua.
In case the person suffocating we have that
1 º To extract It of the swimming pool, supporting the head out of the water and helping yourself with something that it should float if in order that it is easier.
2 º See if the person breathes, call the emergencias and if it does not do it start by closing the nose and exhaling in his mouth, later approximately 20 compressions in the thorax and we repeat the same thing until he oughs or breathes. The straight neck in order that he does not choke on his tongue.
En el caso de esguince de tobillo:
1º Bajar la inflamación con ayuda de geles fríos hielo y manteniendo el pie en alto cada 2 o 3 horas, habiendo vendado este antes.
2º Debe estar vendado al menos 4 0 5 días teniendo que y mucho reposo, utilizando muletas para no forzar el tobilllo
In case of sprain of ankle:
1 º To lower the inflammation with help of cold gels I freeze and supporting the foot in high place every 2 or 3 hours, having bandaged this one before.
2 º Must be bandaged by to the for 4 0 5 days having that and much I rest, using crutches not to force the ankle.
En caso de diarrea:
1º Toma mucho líquido para no deshidratarte el agua y las bebidas energéticaspara recuperar sales minerales. Las comidas deben de ser pequeñas y de alimentos blancos como arroz, cereales pollo a la plancha pescados blancos.
2º Si la diarrea es más grave debemos ir al médico y que nos mande lo que necesitemos.
In case of diarrhea:
1 º Takes a lot of liquid the water and the drinks not to dehydrate yourself energéticaspara to recover you work out mineral. The eaten ones must be small and of white food as rice, cereals chicken to the plate fished whites.
2 º If the diarrhea is more serious we must go to the doctor and that orders us what we need.
En caso de accidente de tráfico:
1º Señalizamos el accidente, nos ponemos un chaleco reflectante y llamamos al 112 indicando el lugar de ese.
2º Mientras llegan podemos preguntar a las víctimas para ver si están conscientes, pero no las retiramos del vehículo nunca.
In case of traffic accident:
1 º Put up signs on the accident, put on a jacket reflectante and call 112 indicating the place of this.
2 º While they come we can ask the victims to see if they are conscious, but we never withdraw them from the vehicle.
En caso de que alguien sufra un infarto:
1º Colocamos a la víctima tumbada en el suelo, abrimos sus ropas destapando el pecho, llamamos a emergencias
2º Si no respira y su corazón no late hay que presionar el centro del pecho con ambas manos, y después insuflar aire dos veces, con la boca totalmente abierta, así una 100 veces por minuto.
In case someone suffers a heart attack:
1 º Place the victim knocked down in the soil, open his clothes uncovering the chest, we call to emergencies
2 º If he does not breathe and his heart not late it is necessary to press the center of the chest with both hands, and later blow air two times, with the totally opened mouth, 100 times like that per minute.
Para hacer un torniquete:
In case the person suffocating we have that
1 º To extract It of the swimming pool, supporting the head out of the water and helping yourself with something that it should float if in order that it is easier.
2 º See if the person breathes, call the emergencias and if it does not do it start by closing the nose and exhaling in his mouth, later approximately 20 compressions in the thorax and we repeat the same thing until he oughs or breathes. The straight neck in order that he does not choke on his tongue.
En el caso de esguince de tobillo:
1º Bajar la inflamación con ayuda de geles fríos hielo y manteniendo el pie en alto cada 2 o 3 horas, habiendo vendado este antes.
2º Debe estar vendado al menos 4 0 5 días teniendo que y mucho reposo, utilizando muletas para no forzar el tobilllo
In case of sprain of ankle:
1 º To lower the inflammation with help of cold gels I freeze and supporting the foot in high place every 2 or 3 hours, having bandaged this one before.
2 º Must be bandaged by to the for 4 0 5 days having that and much I rest, using crutches not to force the ankle.
En caso de diarrea:
1º Toma mucho líquido para no deshidratarte el agua y las bebidas energéticaspara recuperar sales minerales. Las comidas deben de ser pequeñas y de alimentos blancos como arroz, cereales pollo a la plancha pescados blancos.
2º Si la diarrea es más grave debemos ir al médico y que nos mande lo que necesitemos.
In case of diarrhea:
1 º Takes a lot of liquid the water and the drinks not to dehydrate yourself energéticaspara to recover you work out mineral. The eaten ones must be small and of white food as rice, cereals chicken to the plate fished whites.
2 º If the diarrhea is more serious we must go to the doctor and that orders us what we need.
En caso de accidente de tráfico:
1º Señalizamos el accidente, nos ponemos un chaleco reflectante y llamamos al 112 indicando el lugar de ese.
2º Mientras llegan podemos preguntar a las víctimas para ver si están conscientes, pero no las retiramos del vehículo nunca.
In case of traffic accident:
1 º Put up signs on the accident, put on a jacket reflectante and call 112 indicating the place of this.
2 º While they come we can ask the victims to see if they are conscious, but we never withdraw them from the vehicle.
En caso de que alguien sufra un infarto:
1º Colocamos a la víctima tumbada en el suelo, abrimos sus ropas destapando el pecho, llamamos a emergencias
2º Si no respira y su corazón no late hay que presionar el centro del pecho con ambas manos, y después insuflar aire dos veces, con la boca totalmente abierta, así una 100 veces por minuto.
In case someone suffers a heart attack:
1 º Place the victim knocked down in the soil, open his clothes uncovering the chest, we call to emergencies
2 º If he does not breathe and his heart not late it is necessary to press the center of the chest with both hands, and later blow air two times, with the totally opened mouth, 100 times like that per minute.
Para hacer un torniquete:
1º Ponte unos guantes de látex para minimizar el riesgo de transmitir una enfermedad. Reúne estos materiales: un pañuelo o corbata y un palo que no se rompa.
2º Ata el vendaje con una gasa alrededor de la extremidad correspondiente entre la herida y el corazón lo más cerca posible de la herida, pero por encima de la rodilla o del codo. Utiliza un nudo simple
3º Coloca el palo en la parte superior del nudo y ata un segundo nudo en el palo.
4º Gira el palo hasta que estire el vendaje apretando lo suficiente como para detener el sangrado.
5º Ata los extremos de la venda alrededor de la extremidad y asegura el palo con una gasa.
To do a turnstile:
1 º Put on a few gloves of latex to minimize the risk of transmitting a disease. It assembles these materials: a handkerchief or tie and a stick that does not break.
2 º Ties the bandage with a gauze about the corresponding extremity between the wound and the heart as surrounds as possible of the wound, but over the knee or the elbow. A simple knot uses
3 º Places the stick in the top part of the knot and ties the second knot in the stick.
4 º Turns the stick until it stretches the bandage pressing the sufficient thing as to stop the bled one.
5 º Ties the ends of it her bandages about the extremity and assures the stick with a gauze.
1 º Put on a few gloves of latex to minimize the risk of transmitting a disease. It assembles these materials: a handkerchief or tie and a stick that does not break.
2 º Ties the bandage with a gauze about the corresponding extremity between the wound and the heart as surrounds as possible of the wound, but over the knee or the elbow. A simple knot uses
3 º Places the stick in the top part of the knot and ties the second knot in the stick.
4 º Turns the stick until it stretches the bandage pressing the sufficient thing as to stop the bled one.
5 º Ties the ends of it her bandages about the extremity and assures the stick with a gauze.
lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014
Antes de estudiar...
La vida para un estudiante está llena de sufrimiento, madrugones , y tener que aprender de muchas asignaturas diferentes , pero también su puntos buenos: hacer amigos, conocer que es lo que te verdad te gusta o no y lanzarte por conseguir tus metas y sueños.
Ahora para aguantar lo que nos queda de curso ¿qué tal estaría unas buenas carcajadas? Os dejo algunas curiosidades, chistes de la vida académica que más me gustaron:
- Se desmayó el profesor de música y en lugar de volver en sí, volvió en mí bemol
- Un profesor está explicando la filosofía de Aristóteles. De pronto se detiene y dice: "Si los jóvenes del fondo que están hablando tuvieran la bondad de callarse y estarse quietos, como los jóvenes de los bancos del centro, que están leyendo revistas y periódicos deportivos, entonces los jóvenes de las primeras filas podrían seguir durmiendo tranquilamente".
- Un profesor bizco de un colegio femenino tenía problemas con sus pupilas.
The life for a student is full of suffering, very early risings, and to have to learn of many different subjects, but also his good points: friends to do, to know that it is what you like truth or not and to throw for obtaining your goals and dreams.
Now to bear what we still have of year such what would be a few good laugths? Leave you some curiosities, jokes of the academic life that more I liked:
- The teacher of music fainted away and instead of coming round, turned in mí bemol
- A teacher is explaining Aristotle's philosophy. Suddenly he detains and says: " If the young persons of the bottom who are speaking had the kindness of be keeping silent and be still, as the young persons of the banks of the center, who are reading magazines and sports, at the time newspapers the young persons of the first rows might continue sleeping calmly ".
- A cross-eyed teacher of a feminine college had problems with his pupils.
- English class!!
- My GOD!! I need English urgent classes, but I am broke, something that is very cheap!
She is walking along the street and sees cartel: ENGLISH CLASS ONE EURO)
- this is what I need, marvellously she goes away to the addressof the classes)
- hello good days I come for the English class
-If, If, between! Between!
- Why do we suspend the examinations?
One year is 365 days old in order that we could study. After extracting on 52 Sundays, only we still have 313 days. In summer it is 50 days in which it does too much heat to be able to study so we remain with 263 days. We sleep 8 hours a day, a year they suppose 122 days, so now we are with 141 days. If we give each other 1 hour a day to do what us of the desire, 15 have gone away, this way we still have 126 days. We spend 2 hours a day in eating, so we use hereby 30 days and we still have them only 96 in our year. We spend 1 hour a day speaking with friends and relatives, it takes us 15 days mas, we still have 81 days. Examinations and test take us as minimum 35 days in our year, so only they remain 46. Extracting approximately 40 days of vacations and holidays, we remain only with 6 days. Let's say that as pussy-cat you are 3 days I fall ill, you are at the time with only 3 days to be able to study! Let's say also that alone you go out for 2 days! Only 1 day stays! But this only day ... it is your birthday!... So ... good luck to those who are in examinations!
Ahora para aguantar lo que nos queda de curso ¿qué tal estaría unas buenas carcajadas? Os dejo algunas curiosidades, chistes de la vida académica que más me gustaron:
- Se desmayó el profesor de música y en lugar de volver en sí, volvió en mí bemol
- Un profesor está explicando la filosofía de Aristóteles. De pronto se detiene y dice: "Si los jóvenes del fondo que están hablando tuvieran la bondad de callarse y estarse quietos, como los jóvenes de los bancos del centro, que están leyendo revistas y periódicos deportivos, entonces los jóvenes de las primeras filas podrían seguir durmiendo tranquilamente".
- Un profesor bizco de un colegio femenino tenía problemas con sus pupilas.
-¡Dios mio! !necesito clases de inglés urgentes, pero no tengo un duro, algo que sea muy barato!
(va paseando por la calle y ve cartel: CLASES DE INGLÉS A UN EURO)
-Esto es lo que yo necesito, estupendo
(se va a la dirección de las clases)
-Hola buenos días, vengo por las clases de inglés
-If, If, between! between!
-¿Por qué suspendemos los exámenes?
Un año tiene 365 días para que podamos estudiar. Después de sacar 52 domingos, solo nos quedan 313 días. En verano hay 50 días en los que hace demasiado calor para poder estudiar así que nos quedamos con 263 días. Dormimos 8 horas al día, al año suponen 122 días, así que ahora estamos con 141 días. Si nos damos 1 hora al día para hacer lo que nos de la gana, 15 se han ido, así nos quedan 126 días. Gastamos 2 horas al día en comer, así que usamos de esta manera 30 días y nos quedan solamente 96 en nuestro año. Gastamos 1 hora al día hablando con amigos y familiares, eso nos quita 15 días mas, nos quedan 81 días. exámenes y test nos cogen como mínimo 35 días en nuestro año, así que solo quedan 46. Sacando aproximadamente 40 días de vacaciones y fiestas, nos quedamos solamente con 6 días. Digamos que como minino estás 3 días enfermo, ¡estás entonces con solo 3 dias para poder estudiar! ¡Digamos también que solo sales por 2 días! solo queda 1 día! Pero ese único día... ¡Es tu cumpleaños!... Así que... ¡Buena suerte a los que estén en exámenes!
Este último es un poco largo pero tiene su gracia.. Además si lo importante es que quedan 20 días para las vacaciones de verano no??? Un últmo ESFUERZO!!!!!
The life for a student is full of suffering, very early risings, and to have to learn of many different subjects, but also his good points: friends to do, to know that it is what you like truth or not and to throw for obtaining your goals and dreams.
Now to bear what we still have of year such what would be a few good laugths? Leave you some curiosities, jokes of the academic life that more I liked:
- The teacher of music fainted away and instead of coming round, turned in mí bemol
- A teacher is explaining Aristotle's philosophy. Suddenly he detains and says: " If the young persons of the bottom who are speaking had the kindness of be keeping silent and be still, as the young persons of the banks of the center, who are reading magazines and sports, at the time newspapers the young persons of the first rows might continue sleeping calmly ".
- A cross-eyed teacher of a feminine college had problems with his pupils.
- English class!!
- My GOD!! I need English urgent classes, but I am broke, something that is very cheap!
She is walking along the street and sees cartel: ENGLISH CLASS ONE EURO)
- this is what I need, marvellously she goes away to the addressof the classes)
- hello good days I come for the English class
-If, If, between! Between!
- Why do we suspend the examinations?
One year is 365 days old in order that we could study. After extracting on 52 Sundays, only we still have 313 days. In summer it is 50 days in which it does too much heat to be able to study so we remain with 263 days. We sleep 8 hours a day, a year they suppose 122 days, so now we are with 141 days. If we give each other 1 hour a day to do what us of the desire, 15 have gone away, this way we still have 126 days. We spend 2 hours a day in eating, so we use hereby 30 days and we still have them only 96 in our year. We spend 1 hour a day speaking with friends and relatives, it takes us 15 days mas, we still have 81 days. Examinations and test take us as minimum 35 days in our year, so only they remain 46. Extracting approximately 40 days of vacations and holidays, we remain only with 6 days. Let's say that as pussy-cat you are 3 days I fall ill, you are at the time with only 3 days to be able to study! Let's say also that alone you go out for 2 days! Only 1 day stays! But this only day ... it is your birthday!... So ... good luck to those who are in examinations!
The latter is a bit long but it has its grace.. In addition if the important thing is that they stay 20 days for the summer vacations not??? A last EFFORT!!!!!
martes, 13 de mayo de 2014
Grace´s SOUL
Visitando el blog Trópico de Tauro de Grace, y viendo varias de sus páginas elegí esta frase de la entrada
Qué ganas de apagar la realidad
y encender la ficción.
Mi elección de porque me gusta es simple, todos desearíamos desconectar alguna vez de la realidad y escapar a nuestros mundos perfectos que recrean nuestras mentes y que nos hagan felices.
El video que más me gustó:
Pienso que Grace es una mujer madura que sabe los puntos fuertes y los débiles, y los expresa con una gran sutileza , ironía e incluso para provocar risas. Pero además de esto también tiene un lado sensible que expresa muy bien en su mundo de fantasías y del amor, por tanto es una mujer preocupada por su entorno y por ella misma.
Para terminar creo que su blog está bastante currado y que expresa a la perfección los ideales y/o verdades que quiera transmitir a su público, además sus temas son variados y nos muestran la personalidad de la autora.
Visiting the Grace´s Tropical Taurus blog, and seeing several of her pages I chose this phrase of the entry "Buttons":
What desire of extinguishing the reality
And to ignite the fiction.
My choice of because I like it, is simple, we would want to disconnect all at some time of the reality and to escape to our perfect worlds that recreate our minds and that make us happy.
I think that Grace is a mature woman who knows the strong points and the weak persons, and she expresses them with a great subtlety, irony and even to provoke laughs. But besides this also she has a sensitive side that expresses very well in her world of fantasies and of the love, therefore she is a woman worried by her environment and for herself.
To end I believe that her blog is enough "currado" and that she expresses to the perfection the ideal ones and / or truths that she should want to transmit to her public, in addition her topics are changed and show us the personality of the authoress.
Qué ganas de apagar la realidad
y encender la ficción.
Mi elección de porque me gusta es simple, todos desearíamos desconectar alguna vez de la realidad y escapar a nuestros mundos perfectos que recrean nuestras mentes y que nos hagan felices.
El video que más me gustó:
Pienso que Grace es una mujer madura que sabe los puntos fuertes y los débiles, y los expresa con una gran sutileza , ironía e incluso para provocar risas. Pero además de esto también tiene un lado sensible que expresa muy bien en su mundo de fantasías y del amor, por tanto es una mujer preocupada por su entorno y por ella misma.
Para terminar creo que su blog está bastante currado y que expresa a la perfección los ideales y/o verdades que quiera transmitir a su público, además sus temas son variados y nos muestran la personalidad de la autora.
Visiting the Grace´s Tropical Taurus blog, and seeing several of her pages I chose this phrase of the entry "Buttons":
What desire of extinguishing the reality
And to ignite the fiction.
My choice of because I like it, is simple, we would want to disconnect all at some time of the reality and to escape to our perfect worlds that recreate our minds and that make us happy.
I think that Grace is a mature woman who knows the strong points and the weak persons, and she expresses them with a great subtlety, irony and even to provoke laughs. But besides this also she has a sensitive side that expresses very well in her world of fantasies and of the love, therefore she is a woman worried by her environment and for herself.
To end I believe that her blog is enough "currado" and that she expresses to the perfection the ideal ones and / or truths that she should want to transmit to her public, in addition her topics are changed and show us the personality of the authoress.
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